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Julian King  - Consultant

Former DS

Neil Humphries LLB Hons

Consultant - Employment 


Neil Humphries LLB (Hons) -  Consultant

Former DS

Samantha Kidd.jpeg

Samantha Kidd- McKenzie Friend

Former PC


Jez D - Consultant

Former police sergeant


Susie R - McKenzie Friend (DV)

The IPSG was formed nearly 20 years ago as a result of identifying a lack of practical support and assistance

for police whistleblowers. Fortunately since that time, there are now many police support organisations and charities

that have sprung up and can be found on our resources page.

Sometimes the treatment of officers and police staff by their own forces can result in police suicide, this is

something that we are concerned about and have seen litttle change, whilst there are many resources for supporting

an officer with mental health challenges, there can be a reluctance by unions and the police federation to do the

"right thing" in challenging bullying or conduct which affects the mental health of their members.


Our practical help includes helping with employment tribunal cases when a union or the police federation for

whatever reason have not assisted an officer or member of staff.


Family Court matters is another area we specialise in where the majority of police staff and police officers are

unable to afford to pay for solicitors. This also includes heloing with cases involving domestic abuse,

harassment an stalking

History has shown that police whistleblowers have been targeted and victimed over several years resulting

in complex PTSD and suicide.

An example of how this situation may develop can be found by clicking on the shooting the messenger button, which

highlights the various steps that police forces may take to target and victimise a whistleblower.



There can be a lack of support from Unions (Police Staff) or the Police Federation (Police Officers) leaving officers

having to fend for themselves without legal representation including at the Employment Tribunal. 

There are proactive police federation representatives who will try to help however; in our experience , they

may also be victimed for doing so and then need help themselves. We have also support police federation and union



The IPSG has represented several officers and police staff over the years  at the Employment tribunal and

negotiated settlements and reinstatement.

If an officer is under investigation for an alleged criminal matter, they are often advised to just wait and see

what the CPS do. Waiting to see what might happen is not a good strategy, it is much  easier to prevent a

malicious prosecution rather than try and appeal a wrongful conviction / miscarriage of justice which is virtually



We can review your case and prepare a strategy pre or post charge.

Whilst the police service is sometimes referred to as a family, in reality if you did the "right thing" you will find

that you are alone and fortunate if you have only one or two colleagues standing by you. 


Institutional corruption is also a factor in many large organisations, in the police senior officers are able to influence

their internally based local Police Federation who are members of the same force. Cronyism can play a part with

officers being treated differently as to the level of support and assistance they may receive.

Professional Standards Departments (PSD), operate under different titles depending which force you belong to

including PSB or DPS in The Metropolitan police. These departments can also be misused by senior officers.

The IPSG is not shy of challenging officers at whatever rank including Chief Constables who may have abused their

position to victimise and/or silence good officers.


Good officers and supervisors are often simply just doing their job in protecting the public including challenging or

raising concerns about rogue officers.

If your case falls into the "too difficult" tray and  you are not getting the support and assistance that you need,

please get in touch.

0330 122 6146
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